15 great tips for Facebook Advertising

Facebook advertising is not only about creating the account, developing one ad text and spending 100 USD budget. Creating a successful PPC campaign on Facebook is like baking tempting cupcakes. At first you need to know the proper recipe (all ingredients, amount, and the process). Then you must know what your customers like (target group), be experienced, and invest all the care and passion into what you are doing. Well, this article provides some useful tips to make your ads even better.

Author: Ondřej Hošt, Lupa.cz, Source: Tuesday.cz

1.Monthly invoicing

If you decide to invest in Facebook advertising, be ready for daily invoicing. Money spent on your campaigns will be invoiced daily( if you spend more than 16GPB). The only way how to eliminate this inconvenience is to make overall spent budget bigger than 10 000 GPB and get invoicing on monthly basis.

2.Targeting on Facebook

Not only the users don't like to leave Facebook after clicking on one of the ads, but the price is 45% higher than with ads targeted on Facebook content.(Source: TBG Digital Global Advertising Report Q4 2011) With that being said, we suggest to use more targeting on events, fan-pages or any other content of this blue-white social network, which will save your money and lower bounce rate.

3. Sponsored stories

Do you manage fan-page with high amnout of fans? Let's forget about classic Facebook ad for a moment and use it's cheaper verison made by fan-activity. If someone adds like,comment or creates any kind of social interaction with your post, it will be shown not only in users feeds but in classical advertising position as well.

4. Sponsored stories-tips

Use your 93 characters in sponsored story to get users attention. Be different. Include video, likable content or interesting photos.

5. Many fans, no relationship

Be careful about the format “Stories about their friends liking…”. It brings you high CTR, low CPC and low price per fan (CPF) but new fans usually don't visit your page at all. Are they even valuable to you?

6.Landing Pages

We suggest not to undervaluate the sense of landing pages. They still work- in ad campaign you link new users to this page and explain them, why they should become your fans and what do you offer. And not only that- using of landing pages helps you fundementally decrease CPF!

7. Video? Why not!

It could be more complicated to create, but still very effective. Put short(less than minute) video on your landing page and persuade people to become your fans that way. Don't forget to include strong call-to-action.

8. Get the lowest CPC

More clicks your ad gets (in absolute numbers), less price you pay per one click. You are able to get really low CPC if you target broader group of users (200 000+).

9. Structures

Invest your time in developing a proper structure of ads. If you manage to create appropriate structure it’s easier to test the ads, optimize them and get lower CPC and higher conversion rate.

10. Mark all the ads

Be punctual in URL marking and measuring the effects of ads you run. Create the system, mark all the hyperlinks with Google Url Builder tool and measure your effects inGoogle Analytics . After that, you can use all the informations to optimize your ads even better.

11. Ads Fatigue

If you target your ads on tight segment of users, they usually tend to get „tired“ very quickly. It's good to rotate several effective ads or campaings every day.

12. Hide social activity

In case of targeting on external URL, we find better not to show social acitivity below your ad. It could help to increase your CTR, but it will probably take people away from your website.

13. Ads and pictures

With Facebook is harder than ever to grab people's attention. Pictures shown as part of your ad may help with that- they should differ from the Facebook colours, show intressting objects for your target group or have strong call to action.

14.Persuade Facebook to show your ads more

Do you need to spend for example 100 USD and Facebook is not selling your content properly? Set your budget much higher and stop it, when your intented budget is reached.

15.Facebook Ads PowerEditor

Use Facebook PowerEditor for managing your ads more easily. This tool is much faster than Facebook and if you use Google Chrome, PowerEditor exists as extesion to this browser.


This article is based on presentation we had on Firms in Social Media 2012 conference. We like to share our know-how's and will be glad to accept invations on other conferences as well.
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